Haven't been up to much but work. I did put another one of Mom's quilt's on the frame & quilted a row & a half. Tension is off so been picking out a row & a half, ughhhhh!!
I started a 6 week program living with grief thru hospice it's on Tuesday night's from 6 to 8. I have only been to one, second one is tomorrow night. Not really sure about it?? There's only one other girl there that's around my age, all the other's are older. Plus when one starts to cry, we all start too!
Hope all have a fabulous day!
My gut feeling is to tell you to stick with the grief group.....people at those groups really know how you feel and I know several people who felt as you did at first and then were SO glad they stuck it out. Thinking of you today with a heaviness in my heart.
Stick with it! If you've only gone once, it's not long enough to get a good read on the group. Could end up being great for you. Besides, a good cry is always cathartic! ;)
Maybe to cry is a great way to let out the stress and grief and also to know that when you all are crying together you are not alone in how you feel.
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way!
I can't begin to imagine how difficult those grief sessions must be. I know you will know whether to proceed or not with them. Trust your instincts.
I am sure today has been so very hard for you.
I hope the meetings will give you an outlet for the deep grief you feel with those that understand.
Thinking of you here in SE VA.
Laurie, I know this has to be such a hard time for you...but I think it would be good for you to stick with your group. Sometimes crying with others is so cathartic....I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
I agree with the majority. Stick with the group. It really helps to work through your feelings. I wish someone had sent me to such a group when my sister passed away.
Not having walked in your shoes I can't speak as if I know what I am talking about. But somehow, I really think it's OK to cry, if you feel like crying. Probably good too, even. But if this isn't the group for you, then I do hope you find another that is right.
Tango, I am so sorry for all the pain you are going through. Like most of the others I think the group might just end up being the perfect thing for you to have done. I really hope it helps you.
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