So for my SNOW Day I'm gonna stay in my PJ's for awhile. Breakfast is already done we had bacon, scrambled eggs & grits! yummy! Plus toast!
Than I want to bake Harley some more cookies, bake brownies in cupcake form. Than finish up the shower floor. Than work on my pineapple strips. Than I have 2 FQ bundles than need something done with them?? I'm thinking table runners! There's alway's something to do here!! LOL
Chicken is for dinner need to find something yummy to do with it!!
if it's like here, the roads are just "damp" enough to cause slick spots..thus the delay
I say that it call for a "sew" day!
We have about 5 ins. here....Yuck!
Same here. 2 hour delay and not a drop of wetness. Raeford-Fayetteville area.
What a busy day you had planned, hope you got it all done! Bake the chicken, gives you time to do something else. Snow, snow, snow, sounds like everyone is dealing with it!
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