So than I was cruising blogs,cause I like to be nosey & peek in & see what people are doing. tee hee I'm going to do a Pay it Forward! Remember when I was here just about by myself?? And Pat over at Little of This and A Little of Pat took me under her wing?? Thank you Pat!!
I found this cute blog just starting out from Sew Fun Quilts Her name is Pat also!! So y'all need to go & check out her cute blog! She's planning on having a bunch of giveaways this year!! She just had one & it ended last night at midnight!!
So here is her blog!! Quilting Can Be Fun
I know you only use the ruler through Round it looks as if you got it right now. I went and signed on as a follower of both blogs you mentioned. (Just what I need...MORE blogs to follow...I already follow SO many...LOL)
Good job on the Pineapple. I did my first two the other day as well. It is complicated to figure it out when you first start.
nice job on the block, I heard that its a toughie to do, but I also heard that it does get easier. So hang in there!
Hi Tango.. I love your pineapple block and looks like you're on your way. I've only made those using paper piecing.
Thanks for being one of my faithful 100 followers and signing up for my giveaway.
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