Saturday, October 30, 2010

A gift from a blogging friend!!

Em from Em Celebrates!! Sent me this for bringing Joy to her life!!

I so love it!! I have it hanging in my living room already!! Than she had a fun little game & had six winners!! I won a $25.00 gift certificate to Green Fairy's store!! How cool is that!!

At work it's crazy?? They are alway's calling me & another girl to come in early or on our days off??!!! I'm trying to keep a low profile! LOL My back has been bothering me since last Thursday! I've tried wearing different shoes & no luck??!! Also tried Aleve instead of Ibuprofen just yesterday so not sure if that's going to help. Plus between 2 other people there not getting along, changing their stations so they don't work near each other?? Crazy, drama, childish games!? LOL

Well I need to get ready to go back there ughhhhhhh working 8 to 5 today!


Gene Black said...

I hope today is less drama at work. I remember those days. Ugh. I can get along with almost anyone.
In the immortal words "Why can't we all just get along?"

The gift is just lovely. Enjoy your gift cert to Green Fairy, just don't spend the mortgage while you are there! ha ha.

Cookiebaker said...

What a lovely gift!

Sorry to hear that your back is still giving you trouble.

Ugh...the drama at work. I'm so glad I'm retired and no longer have to put up with the complaining of co-workers and some who do not get along with each other. Sorry you have to put up with it.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

Melissa ;-) said...

Em does the cutest work! How nice of her to this to you, but obviously you touched her, as well! I know what you mean about work. I have actually been going in about an hour before anyone else shows up so I can at least have that hour of sanity!! Do you by chance have heated car seats? I do and they are the absolute best for when my back acts up!