opposite directions seems to help.;"
So it worked!!!
I took a ride to Wallace with DH yesterday. Stopped at 2 thrift stores
$3.00 for all this!!
DH got this for $1.50
Than while he was helping his cousin. I used a small jelly roll. There were 2 strips of 10 colors 2 1/2 total yards. I used a 5 inch block for the center & got strips for 3 blocks out of 2 strips. So I have 5 blocks x 6 blocks, fun!
It looks like you had a fun day! I love finding bargains!
Congrats on figuring out the bag!
Great finds. I love the thrill of finding things at a thrift store.
The jelly roll quilt turned out sweet.
Great bargains. Your blog isn't showing up on my blog thingee anymore since you changed the blog name ever so slightly. Even though I"m a follower, I have to scroll down my list and look at your blog instead of being notified when it's updated. What a PAIN!!! LOL
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