I found this great site
So been play around on there!
I feel like I've been gone forever!1
I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday?? My brains are scrambled! Plus it was hubby's birthday Wednesday. I got him a older laptop & spent a lot of time on it last weekend to get it all updated, plus anti virus, set up his email in outlook. Then I signed him up for a bunch of birthday clubs & printed out all the coupons for him!
Well after my 9:00 haircut DH said let's take your truck up the street. So we go up the street & they are closed, mechanic quit??
So we cross back over & go to this other place they want 130 bucks. So we go to 2 more places & ones higher & the other one has no one there to give prices. So DH said lets go get something to eat. We meet at Hardees, he goes to order & I borrow his phone cause I forgot mine. I call Joker to see if he knows somebody that's not gonna over charge. He said if you get the pads I'll do it on Sunday for nothing!! yippie So DH comes with the food & I tell him. He's like cool!! So then our Pastor come in & comes over to say Hi & what's up & all that. DH asks him where he takes his car for repairs. He asked what we needed done, he tells DH to get the pads & to bring it by his house at 12:30 & him & his brother will do it!! I was about in tears!! DH gets home about 2 & said he was going back to the Pastors house. He said the Pastor's house had mold growing on it & was going to power wash it for him!! So everybody is happy!!
I did my other 2 haircuts & then got the binding on the downey quilt & got it washed & dried. Need to get the label on it!
WOW...what a week you have been having!!! I"m glad it all worked out with the repairs to your vehicle. That is such a stress.....
Boy, I wish I could make myself cook like that! How wonderful for you that you have such friends who will volunteer to do jobs for you. And what a wonderful way your husband found to repay your pastor. Sounds like a great week to me.
I think your army of bloggers will be showing up to eat!!!!
Glad that things worked out so amicably for all involved. That is great!
Everybody wins!! What time is dinner?
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