tee hee Harley dosen't know what to make of it!!
Can you believe I didn't buy eggs??? I don't know what I was thinking?? So we ran out & got some last night. It started flurrying around 8:30.
I baked some pork chops for dinner & froze some. I baked a whole cut up chicken & froze that for 2 meals. Made a pot of potato soup. Plus have a turkey defrosting hope to cook it tomorrow.
Oh the cake is fabulous!!! I'll have to type the recipe up cause I tweeked 3 recipes to get it
You sound like you are cooking to be snowed in for days....hehehe
It looks like a winter wonderland out there. Very strange for the south.
Wow, it sould like you're planning to be snowed in for awhile! The pictures are wonderful. As disastrous as snow can be, it certainly is beauatiful.
Where is the picture of the CAKE? heeehehehehe
Okay I am tired of snow now...More than one day of it in Alabama is enough. Glad you are enjoying it though.
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