Than I took the 2 pineapple blocks that I did wrong, finished them up to be pot holders! So no waste!! Yippee!!
Than today I had errands to run, plus get paperwork. We have someone helping us with the mortgage company. So hopefully it will all work out! Saying my prayers on this, would appreciate all the prayers I can get too!!
Can you believe this is my 299th post???
I love the heart quilt. It will be perfect for Valentine's Day.
Perfect solution to the pineapple blocks. I should do that with the blocks that I have not been happy with too. Hmmm.
I'm sending my prayers. Hope you get a break on this one.
Ha ha, I make potholders out of my "oops" blocks too.
Those potholders are so cute!
Hope all goes well with your mortgage.
Those pot holders are a great idea. Is the heart quilt a table topper? What ever it is it is beautiful. Wishing you the best of luck with your mortgage, I will say a prayer for you tonight, hope I am not too late.
Accident or not they are beautiful pot holders. Love the heart quilt. Great job girl.
Wow! It's been great seeing what you've been up to. Love the heart and all the little red squares that make it up. Nice idea, and it looks very nice . Now, your pot holders are eye stopping for sure, and I love them. Doing the pineapple blocks is a chore in itself. Good idea with the ones you're not happy with. They are very pretty pot holders. When I make pineapple blocks, I always find myself measuring every strip, plus. LOL The last thing I made in a pineapple design was a pillow, using old satin fabric that I've collected over the years. I thought I had a time with the cottons; I really had a run for my money with the satin strips. LOL Oh well. That's what keep us all hopping, and loving every minute of the challenge and the one that is ahead of us yet. Way to go Tango. I really enoy your blog and will visit it again. Have fun quilting.
I love what you made and your rescued pineapple blocks are great! What do you use inside your potholders when you make them? I'm still hoping and praying it all works out with the house.
Oh wow I love your heart quilt! Very pretty.
I love the pot holders! Happy MOnday to you!!!
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